22 May 2007

Much Of A Good Thing

I'm taking a break from the Vonnegut binge. As my friend so aptly pointed out, he's a lot like a truffle, and I've gorged as much as I can appreciate for now. It's interesting how differently he reads now than my last marathon Vonnegut binge, which was about 9 years ago. He's still phenomenal, I'm just realizing how my own perspective on life has changed. I suppose that's not a bad thing.

It's tough trying to decide what to read next. Like the bumper sticker so wisely says - "So many books, so little time." (And really, what wisdoms are there outside the bevy of bumper stickers used to express our innermost thoughts and beliefs?)

The Finnish mythology is definitely calling me. I also have a lot of good books I need to read for research for my own book. But I'm sort of hankering for Thomas Pynchon's "Mason & Dixon", one of my all-time favorites. Still, it's another saga, and I'm sort of liking the idea of something more brief.

There is a Studs Terkel book I bought a while back and still haven't read. I love Studs - if you've never read "Working", may I strongly suggest you navigate over to your favorite bookseller's site and purchase it right away. The one I'm going to read is "Division Street: America", his first book. Aside from "Working", my favorite Studs book is his most recent, "And They All Sang". It's a remarkable work, whether you're into oral history, music or American history. Studs Terkel is a national treasure!

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