17 October 2008


So, you might wonder why the 10 and a half month hiatus on this blog... well, here's the deal.

The day after my last post here, I found out I was pregnant. Talk about kicking off the new year with a bang. Suddenly all of my energy was pouring into research about having a healthy pregnancy. In the meantime, all my creative energy disappeared - I think it was all going into building our daughter Abigail.

But then Abigail died, about five weeks before she was due. Suddenly all of my energy was pouring into grieving, and grieving hard. But as usual, when the chips were down, my creative energy came flowing back and I wrote a ton of poetry, which helped me heal.

It's been a couple months now, and I've mostly passed through the fog of grief and am returning to normal, or my new normal, I suppose. Close enough to normal that I am actually considering the insane task of participating in NaNoWriMo with a friend of mine. If you're not familiar with NaNoWriMo (I wasn't, until my friend mentioned it), it's basically this mass insanity where people try and write a 50,000-word novel during the month of November. For all you non-math-people out there, that would be nearly 1700 words a DAY. (Why they couldn't do this on a month with 31 days, I have no idea. I guess I should be grateful that they didn't chose February.)

It's kind of a cool concept, though. It pretty much leaves no room for second-guessing oneself or procrastinating on writing by eternally re-editing what you've already written. Now if I can just settle on a story idea, I'll be set...

I do have several half-ideas floating around in the transom of my brain, but none of them have really spoken to me. Don't think I want to restart my GAN, necessarily... Guess I still have a couple weeks to figure it out...

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