20 December 2008

Deadline achieved!

Well, I handed over my poetry manuscript last night, in as good shape as I could get it. I'm so curious to hear what my friend's feedback is. Now, I feel like I need another big writing project... just as soon as I go on vacation, which is in three days. I could always try and work on the Peggy-O story, so swiftly abandoned, or god forbid, even finish the freelance articles I could actually get paid for writing.

Sigh. I'm tired. It's been a pretty hectic few weeks. Miles to go before I sleep.

I'm just going to close my eyes and select a random poem for today's poetry. This is from the 'Autumn' section of my manuscript, 'The First Year'.


she wakes again with sweat
under the fine hairs
on the back of her neck
afraid somewhere no one can see

she rises and tucks her hair behind her ears
looks out the window
into the grey, yet-to-rain morning
hands clasped to her chest
as if in prayer

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