30 April 2009

Do I dare? and do I dare?

Oh, my. It's April 30th already? Interesting. Suddenly my intentions to revise 'Mississippi' in May seem a little more, well, I'll be kind to myself and say foolhardy, than they did in March.

Here's one of the problems, which just occurred to me: it's a hell of a lot nicer in May than it is in November, when I originally wrote it. And it's light out for a lot longer. I actually really enjoyed getting up early and writing, with the morning's lightening dark for company. When it's light out & I have lots of time before work, I always feel guilty for being the world's laziest gardener.

But you know, I think I can do it. The early dawns will help me get out of bed sooner, possibly. And I'll have a really good excuse for not gardening, so I won't have to feel so guilty. I think I'm going to take the plunge.

As before, I'll post my work on here as I go.

I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster nearly inched up to the top of the first hill...

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