Don't get me wrong: I adore Twitter and all the resources it provides. In fact, it ranks right up there with chocolate on the list of kickass things that make me happy. It's possibly the greatest thing that ever happened to writers, from the blog posts to the book promotions to the endless cups of tea and pictures of people's cats and seven-hundred-eleventy-three gabillion other ways we all get to know that, by god, we are not alone. Best of all, we don't have to actually see each other or talk to anyone face to face; we can hunch over our laptops in the wee hours of the night and read and write to our solitary hearts' content.
But there's a whole lot of must-haves that can be a little soul-crushing intimidating as well. You must have a blog! You must have a platform! You must write interestingly and usefully and other-such-adverb-ly so that you can have many, many followers, or no one will ever want to publish you!
To quote that immortal hero, Bill the Cat: ACK.
I'm a writer, for crying out loud. I just want to write. (And edit, and read, and occasionally nap on the sofa curled up with a blanket and a book... but I digress.) And while I'll spare you the litany of other responsibilities all screaming for attention throughout the day, believe me: there are a lot of them. It takes a concerted effort to make time to write every day.
So the thought of coming up with blog posts on writing and editing techniques that are witty and useful and informative and all those other brilliant things is a little scary. I've spent many a happy hour reading other people's witty, useful, informative, brilliant blog posts on these topics, and you know what?
It's all pretty much covered. Yep. That's it, guys, time to call it a day and go read each other poetry over a tasty microbrew! (Hey, a girl can dream.)
Coming up with new twists on blog posts on writing and editing techniques now seems to take ingenious acts of creativity that I always assumed I should put towards, y'know, story ideas and incredible poetic images and razor-sharp dialogue that advances the plot. Silly things like that. It seemed like any time I did come up with an idea, I would immediately see the link to someone else's blog post in which they ran with it and, yep, did a fantastic job.
You can imagine my relief when it recently occurred to me that I don't need to be intimidated after all. Something finally sunk in, which is that everyone is just sharing their own experiences (insert platitude about snowflakes here). I can leash up Twitzilla and take that bad boy for a walk. If I just do my thing, somewhere out there in the magical interwebs it'll mean something to someone else.
So, to make a short story long (and I do apologize - you might have noticed by now that I have a slight tendency to ramble), I intend to post on a regular basis now. I'm starting with once a week. I can't promise anything earth-shattering, but I can promise you - and myself - that I'll be posting about my experiences with writing and editing, in the sincere hope that some of it will prove useful to you. And by the way, thank you, in advance, for reading.
Also, I'm curious: what writing blog topics do you find endlessly fascinating? Let me know - I'd love some food for Twitzilla thought.