30 January 2009

out, damn retrograde! out!

So, I have actually done some writing since Dec. 20th, I just haven't posted it on my blog. Nor is there very much of it. But what little I have, I'm pretty darn excited about, because the inspiration just hasn't been there for me over the last month or so. Plus, I'm getting paid for some freelance articles, which is always fun.

Personally, I like to blame Mercury in retrograde, which generally screws up communication and has been doing so since Jan. 12th-ish. So glad it is over in two more days; perhaps related to its waning influence, I have actually sat down and written the last two mornings. Hooray! It's been about as easy as digging saltwater taffy out of my brain, but at least I've done it.

I actually managed to complete a sort of outline of Peggy-O, which is thrilling; the story's been rattling around in my head for years, but I always get bogged down in the details. I finally decided to just write what I saw when I hear the song, since that's what's compelling me to tell the story anyway. It only took a page and a half. Now I can go back and try to flesh it out more fully - but that's a later project. Really, Peggy-O was just nagging at me to be dealt with before I launched into the next project, which is a children's story that was my dad's idea. Of course, I also have a lot of fantastic & recently received constructive criticism on my poetry manuscript, so I want to work on that too, and a couple of friends have read or are reading my NaNo book and are motivating me to edit that as well.

So I guess you could say I'm not lacking for things to do. I've got so much other stuff to do for work & my volunteer work that I always feel short on time... but sort of like working out (not that I would be terribly familiar with making time for working out, but I hear other people say this), when I do make the time to write I feel so awesome about myself & my life. Much more awesome than when I'm slacking on my writing.

Anyway, time to get ready for ye olde day job.