14 August 2007

Teh Grate Cheezburger Liber... Liburr... Reskyoo!

Catpurr 2: Noos, Nip an Napz

Lil' Kit wuz owt nomming her own brekkies dat meownin, but herz brekfrist caem frum arownd teh trash canz at eech howse. "Commeer," sed Lil' Kit, pownsin awn a mowsie. Teh mowsie gabe a terryfied skweek an traid to run awai. Lil' Kit wuz hasing lotsa fun playin wif teh mowsie, so muches dat herz din't eben notiss Big Smoo walkin toords her.

"I iz teh Kween Kitteh, an u bettur be mememburrin dat," Lil' Kit told teh mowsie. Big Smoo lol'd, startulin herz, an her let teh mowsie goes. Mowsie skampurrd awai in a blur as Lil' Kit turndid to Big Smoo.

"O, so nao u r buyin meh brekkeez, is dat it, beeg boi?" her sed. "I wuz hongree!"

"I sawry, Lil' Kit," Big Smoo told herz. "But I'll deffnly be maekin it ups to u dis ebenin. Mah peeps be hasing a BBQ!"

Lil' Kit's yello eiz gleemd. "A BBQ?!! Wif burgerz?"

Big Smoo noddid, pleezd wif himzself. "Wif CHEEZburgrz. An bakun!"

Lil' Kit likkd herz lips. "An I kin coem?"

"A-coorz!" Big Smoo sed. "I iz needin ur halp to get teh wurd owt, ackshulee. Kin u tell teh lolkittehs awn dis sied uv teh blok? An I'll tell teh lolkittehs awn teh uvver sied. Dey sed its a reel blok partee an I doan wanna miss ennywun."

"Ebrybuddee kin coem? How bowt dat Emokitteh dat alwyz annois u?" Lil' Kit ast slilee. Herz liekded Emokitteh but herz noedid nawt menny uv teh uvver lolkittehs did. Himz wuz a craibebeh, dey seds, but himz wuz alwais nys to her an shayrd himz fud wif her if her caem arownd at teh meeltiem.

Big Smoo sighd. "Yah, I gess Emokitteh too. Himz bettur nawt crai, tho."

Lil' Kit shrugd. "Fish gotta swimz, burds gotta flai, Emokitteh gotta crai."

Big Smoo lol'd agen. "Is troo. Hai, u wanna go play in teh nip patch reel kwik befoar us starts maekin teh rownds?"

Lil' Kit stood an stretchd. "Shoor. Tho I has dowts bowt how kwik it'll be."

Shoor enuff, dey wer rollin arownd beein silleh in teh nip patch fur kwyt a wiul. Lil' Kit gawt a kays uv teh gigguls. Big Smoo finlee crawld owt an sed, "Dat wuz too muches fun! Now I iz awl hongree agen."

Lil' Kit pwnsd awn him. "O, u wud sai dat! Big Smoo, Big Smoo, ur a tummeh-boi itz troo..." her startid singin.

"Kuttit owt!!" Big Smoo sed, an dems ressuled fur a minut befoar Lil' Kit skrambuled awai agen.

"Hmph. Defensif kitteh is defensif," her sed, hasing a diggnifyd baff.

"I iz nawt defensif. I wuz jus playin," sed Big Smoo. "Hai, der's Baron Von Nomnomnom. I'z gunna start spreddin teh wurd, k? U gonna tell awl teh kittehs dat lif obur der?"

"Yah, doan worree babeh. Wut tiem shud I tell dem coem obur?" Lil' Kit had stawpd haffwai thru her baff, distraktid bai a passin flutterbai.

Big Smoo shrugd agen. "Well, it iz Caturday, so dey kin jus coem obur ennytiem. But teh BBQ's fur din-dins. O hai, Baron! Gess wut r u hasing fur dinnur tonite?" Big Smoo wuz off, hailin teh Baron, hoo wuz a cuppl howzis awai wachin teh burdeez awn himz lawn.

Lil' Kit laffd at Big Smoo. Teh Baron haytid teh interr... intur... bein bovvurd wen himz wus wachin teh burds. 'I fink I'll goes an see Stretch frist,' her thot.

Shoor enuff, her fownded Stretch rite wer esspectid, hasing a napz awn teh wall arownd himz frunt yard. Himz wuz stretched owt rly lawng, wif himz paws hanging daon offa teh wall liek a monorail kitteh. But wen himz herd Lil' Kit's noos, himz wuz so essyted himz deesydid to halp her spred teh wurd.

Bai teh tiem dey'd tawkd to Emokitteh, Banzai, Miss Floofy an Teh Whoppurr, Stretch an Lil' Kit wer bof reddy fur a riggul in teh catnip pach an a nys lawng nap. Stretch staggurd owt uv teh pach. "I bettur be gettin hoem an see bowt mah befoar-napz lunch," himz sed.

Lil' Kit rolld obur awnto her bak an stretched owt her pawz. "K," her sed. "I fink I will has mah napz riiiite.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Lil' Kit kinda noedid her wuz nappin too lawng, but teh nip wuz such a nyss plaec to nap dat her din't caer. Suddenlee her wakedid ups wif a gasp an stood ups. "O noes!" her craid. "I can has too much sleepytiem? I gotta git to teh partee!!!"


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A waste of time and talent.


ann said...

Nope. But of course, you're welcome to your opinion! And I'll cheerfully disagree.

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