31 March 2009

Ava revisited

I've had this little idea percolating in my brain for a few weeks now, and just last night I decided it was time to graduate it to a medium-sized idea. Or possibly more. Yes, I think it's getting to be about time to edit my novel.

(If you're new to this blog, I wrote a book - on here - in November as part of the NaNoWriMo.) I think May would be a good month for the editing project. April is a whole day shorter, and I really wouldn't be able to work on it until April 5th. It's hard to give up five days on a project of this size.

I don't know why I feel so strongly about blitzing through the editing of this in a month. Of course, it won't exactly be blitzing - at least, not at the level at which I wrote the damn thing. 62,000 words in a month; sheer insanity. I really found the concrete (and unforgiving) timeframe to be a big help when I was writing the story originally, so I guess I'm just hoping I can force myself to be super-focused and productive again.

There will probably be a lot of cringing going on as I reread it. I just posted it raw, almost zero editing, chapter by chapter. I'm sure there's some terrible writing in there. Equally sure, however, that there's some pretty decent writing somewhere in there too... If you want to check out the raw version, here's chapter 1.

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