30 March 2009

dream, dream, dream

Holy stress, Batman. We're less than a week away from our biggest annual event at work, and I keep expecting to wake up and find my hair turned silver overnight.

It's days like this - especially grey, windy, lightly snowy mornings like today's - when I dream intensely of not having to work. Wake up, ensconce myself on the couch with a blanket, my soda, some breakfast, and the laptop, and spend the entire morning writing. What I wouldn't give to just have time in the day to focus for hours on my craft. That is my ultimate fantasy.

Instead, I write in my head as I drive to and from work. I write in my head while I'm at work, too, when things aren't too hectic. Unfortunately, right now they're rather too hectic. In fact, what am I doing blogging?! Okay, okay, we all need the occasional break, just to stay sane if for nothing else. Maybe I'll take another five minutes and write a haiku, just to feel like my creative life isn't totally demolished by the harsh vagaries of reality. (Who, me? Melodramatic?! Scoff.)

(early) spring haiku

clouds cover the sky
budding trees pause and shiver
the wind howls cruel threats

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