12 March 2009

I'm still here...

I've got that snippet running around my head from a Talking Heads song, the one where David Byrne sort of growls out, "I'm still here... I won't go away... well I'm still hangin' 'round askin' you questions 'cause I still wanna get LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAID!" Just seems like a great setup for the start of a story.

Not that I need a new story to work on, 'cuz lord knows I have quite a few hanging around waiting to be finished. But y'know, you've got to seize inspiration whenever it wanders through. With both hands. And your teeth. And possibly jump on it. Depends on how fleeting it's trying to be, really.

So, anyway. I've had a hard time getting back on a consistent schedule so I can be more creatively productive. Used to wake up early in the morning, every morning, and write for a couple hours before work. Lately, though, the Kitty Alarm Clock seems to be set to permanent snooze; he's no longer rousting me out of bed every morning at 5:30. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Most people would prefer to not have their cat wake them every morning at 5:30, and I would be one of them, generally, but early morning's really the only time I can ever count on for my writing. Sure, I write mentally all day long, but that's less helpful than actually setting words to paper (or digital characters onto a word processing document - so unromantic).

I'm dealing with boatloads of stress at work right now, so you'd think now would be a bad time to start making time in my schedule for other priorities. But I think this will actually work out better; if it's important to you, it should be important no matter what else is going on, and it'll provide some much-needed stress relief from all the blah blah blah work blah blah blah mayhem.

So, I guess this means I'll have to start, like, setting an alarm clock. Or something. *heavy sigh*

So tempted to start outlining that new story idea. Or work on one of my existing stories. Too bad I have so much work to do. Better get back to it!

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