02 March 2009

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss

This morning when I logged onto my computer, the Google art was Seussian in honor of the great man's birthday today. We have a lot for which to be grateful to Dr. Seuss, not the least of which are Loraxes and star-bellied sneetches and the 500 hats of Bartholomew whats-his-face.

Seven years ago, when I was a reporter in Arizona, I covered an elementary school's celebration of Dr. Seuss's birthday with a school-wide green eggs & ham breakfast. Very cute. I wrote the article as a poem, Seuss-style, of course. It was my favorite thing I published while working for that paper.

Unfortunately, it's somewhere floating among my archives, and I cannot find it right now. But I do remember the last stanza, so here is my rather abbreviated birthday wish for the good Theodore:

So lift up your glass,
and let's all give a cheer
for the man who taught us
to be silly without fear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.